20 Life Lessons to Learn Before You Turn 20.

1. Happiness is a choice:
Yes! It just the way you compel your mind to think. Even the slightest negativity can ruin things. Remember at times when things don’t work and you say “See, I knew it!”. Exactly; because you had a negative thoughts regarding that one task.

2. Nothing comes for easy:
It’s very rare that luck works. And remember it is for those who work hard and then have a firm belief. Otherwise you have to strive for it. Hard enough and long enough.

3. Nobody actually cares except your parents:
This is something sooner you realise, happier you’ll be! I know the idea of being important for others can be really sweet, but unfortunately it’s an illusion. Although your parents love you unconditionally but of course they also have some expectations from you, which is also for your sake ultimately.

4. Time is precious than money:
We often hear, time is money. But actually it’s way more precious than money. Money can be earned but once the time you wasted, cannot return. Make sure you use it well.

5. You can’t make EVERYONE happy:
Not everyone is your responsibility. So instead of being ‘good’ for people who don’t even consider you and your happiness, work on your own self and do what makes YOU and your loved ones happy.

6. Memories are the most beautiful assets:
We get so much busy in the dynamics of life for so called success, that eventually we lost all our energy to earn something we can’t fully enjoy. Instead of being workaholic treat yourself once a while. Make memories with friends and family.

7. Knowledge is never enough:
At times being jack of all trades is better than being master of one. So always keep learning whatever catches your interest.

8. Staying away from toxic people is important:
If someone wants you to listen to them, then make sure they also listen to you and respect your decision. People who keep on complaining but also keep repeating same mistakes and not interested in what you have to say, are the one who destroy your inner peace too. Make sure you stay away from them.

9. It’s okay to say NO:
Life becomes a lot easier when you learn to say no. Be a self pleaser instead of people pleaser.

10. Explore yourself:
One must never be afraid of accepting challenges. All the great people have this quality in common: they challenged themselves and explored their abilities.

11. Inner peace isn’t related to the luxurious life:
Life is not just about luxuries. What’s inside you, actually matters the most. And you have to work for your happiness more than your assets.

12. Loving yourself is first step towards successful life:
Be more self appreciating. Even impossible can become possible once you start believing yourself.

13. Life begins where comfort zone ends:
It doesn’t really mean that you have to be hard on yourself; but it actually means that you have to be committed to your work and keep on striving for it.

14. Nobody can save you if don’t want yourself to be saved:
Nobody can be more loyal to you than your own self. Don’t allow yourself to give excuses to blame others on your failures. Be more rational and accepting.

15. The idea of happiness varies for every individual:
Every individual has its own idea of a happy life. You just can’t compare yourself with others.

16. You have to earn respect irrespective to your financial status:
You are what you do and think. Get out of the fake privilege on the name of your background. If you really want to earn respect you have to make your own identity.

17. Never trade respect over attention:
Never get attracted to the charm of fame. Because the fame ultimately fades away but respect doesn’t. Learn to win the win hearts by kindness instead of looks.

18. Your action speak louder than words:
No matter how much fascinating your ideas are, nobody will actually believe them unless you’ll work for them. So it’s better to show them practically before telling them your plans.

19. Not liking someone is fine but hating them is not fine:

Liking/ disliking something is totally up to you but hating something gets you nothing. Instead of wasting energy on hating learn to appreciate or at least tolerate things. If you don’t want others to step over you, just don’t step over them. Engage yourself in a conversation, people are mutually comfortable with.

20. Nothing is permanent: happiness, hardships and even life:
The moment you truly realise this, you start valuing the things that actually matter. Life is too short to get worried over minute things and waiting for ‘something big’ to happen so it can make you happy.

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